About RT
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Our History
RT Industries incorporated in 1974 as a 501(C)(3) organization, with the purpose of promoting the welfare and needs of adults with disabilities, under the jurisdiction of the Miami County Board of Developmental Disabilities, primarily known as Riverside. With the support of Riverside, RT Industries grew, providing pre-employment training and paid work through its production facility and by providing meaningful daily living and leisure activities through its Adult Day Services.
In the 1980’s RT Industries secured contracts to provide janitorial and landscaping services to various Ohio Department of Transportation locations (roadside rest areas and District Headquarters) which expanded job opportunities and resulted in the development of the Employment Services Department.
Did you know we are a private 501(c)3 non-profit provider?
Over the course of 4 years, starting in 2014, RT Industries worked with Riverside through the process of privatizing the organization due to a federal mandate by the Center of Medicaid (CMS). CMS stated that all providers in Ohio must privatize and separate by 2024 as it was a conflict of interest to be the service provider and the case manager of services. As of January 1, 2018, RT completed this transition by assuming service provision functions including Adult Day Services, Employment Supports, and Transportation. Riverside continues to coordinate services and supports for people in Miami County. RT is proud to provide some of those services and supports in Miami County and now surrounding counties.
Today, RT operates independently as a direct service provider of adult day services, employment supports and transportation. RT requires donations, grants, fundraising dollars to operate in addition to the income generated from the direct provision of services through federal/state/local dollars.
Looking to the Future
After privatization, RT made revolutionary changes to our organization focusing on our desire to be more actively involved in the community. We don’t want to simply be in the community, we want to help people engage with the community in meaningful ways. RT started this shift, "Be the Change" by moving away from the sheltered workshop model and focusing on connecting to the community through employment opportunities.
Our community presence is centered around each person’s unique skills, interests and abilities. This remains our focus as we help each person live their best life. Each person makes the choice to work towards community employment, socialization, independent living skills or something else to enrich their lives - the opportunities you seek are determined by you.
At RT, we are committed to helping people achieve personal success by developing skills to confidently work, interact and thrive in the community!
Explore. Empower. Engage.
